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New Album Release!


A Spiritual Journey

of Deliverance & Healing

from Abuse

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Scroll Down for 8 Music Videos


Be My Shield - (A Prayer for Protection)
Elle Sinclair Music
"Be My Shield" -- a prayer for wisdom and protection in the midst of an abusive episode. This song is the first song in my new album "Reborn" that follows the journey of freedom and healing from abuse. So if this song speaks to you, check out the rest of the songs that become more hope and light filled as the journey progresses! **No triggering imagery** Subscribe to Elle Sinclair on YouTube: 💗 Connect with me here: Stream "Reborn" album: Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon Music: -------------------------------------- This song is written from the perspective of a female in an abusive relationship, because that was my experience. But if you're a guy in an abusive relationship, these songs are just as much for you. Just switch the pronouns around in your head while you listen. --------------------------------------- If you are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. For help, contact the Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or visit --------------------------------------- LYRICS His anger fills the room Like an earthquake Throwing me off balance Confusion and fear cloud my brain God I need you now Jesus, help me Lord, protect my body, heart, and mind Give me strength Lord, protect my body, heart, and mind Give me peace Lord, protect my body, heart, and mind Give me wisdom Lord, protect my body, heart, and mind Be my shield, be my shield Be my shield, be my shield Be my shield, be my shield Lord, I know you’re here Right here with me I’m shaking but you’re not You’re my strength, my peace, my wisdom My shelter in this storm Jesus, help me Show me how to get to safety Give me strategy Where to go Who to call Keep me safe throughout it all --------------------------------------- #originalsong #christianmusic #abusemusichope #singersongwriter
I See, I Know - (God Cares About Your Pain)
Elle Sinclair Music
"I See, I Know" could also be called "a song for when I feel alone." It talks about God's nearness in the midst of abuse, and how He sees and cares about what is happening, even when it feels so lonely. I hope this song can bring you comfort 💜 This song is the second song in my new album "Reborn" that follows the journey of freedom and healing from abuse. If this song touches your heart, then I'd encourage you to listen to the other songs on the album! (There are some really happy songs, too) **No triggering imagery** Lots of love, Elle Subscribe to Elle Sinclair on YouTube: 💗 Connect with me here: Stream "Reborn" album: Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon Music: --------------------------------------- If you are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. For help, contact the Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or visit --------------------------------------- LYRICS Alone now in a locked room Red eyes staring blankly at the wall Heart still pounding, Mind still reeling Where are You, God? To the rhythm of my heartbeat Lord, Your whisper brings me peace My child, I see, I know I’m here, you’re not alone My child, I see, I know I’m here, you’re not alone You’re concerned about my suffering When my heart breaks, so does yours When I cry, you cry My tears mingle with yours In a fallen world of fallen men, People do terrible things. I don’t understand this pain, But I know You’re still good To know I’m not alone What comfort that brings To know somebody sees And cares about my pain In the midst of questions without answers I know that You are good That You love me That You’re with me --------------------------------------- #originalsong #christianmusic #abusemusichope #singersongwriter
Darlin' Don't - (Father-Daughter Duet) feat. John Austin Sinclair
Elle Sinclair Music
This father-daughter duet (that I actually did with my dad 😍) talks about not submitting to abuse. In abusive marriages in religious circles, the submission doctrine is often twisted to justify control and abuse of the wife. This isn't God's heart. 💜 This song is the third song from my new album "Reborn", so if you like this song, check out the others on the album! **No triggering imagery** Lots of love, Elle Subscribe to Elle Sinclair on YouTube: 💗 Connect with me here: Stream "Reborn" album: Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon Music: --------------------------------------- If you are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. For help, contact the Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or visit --------------------------------------- LYRICS Dearest daughter My heart breaks to hear your pain It wasn’t meant to be this way How long has this been going on? For a while – Dad, I don’t know what to do He says to submit, and I do, But it’s never enough His demands are crushing to bear Darlin’, don’t submit to him harming you You don’t have to take abuse This isn’t God’s way Darlin’, don’t submit to sinful demands He’s not your God, just a man Let God be your God. Submission Has become a heavy chain Twisted Scripture used to justify His oppression and hurtful ways He feels entitled, So is cruel when I don’t yield Bullies and crushes, controls Til I’m on my knees Beneath his rule Your man is called to love you tenderly Sacrificially, as Christ loves the church Respect you, affirm you And cherish you, care for you With humility, lay down his life in love --------------------------------------- #christianmusic #originalsong #submission
Perfect, Beautiful Love
My Deliverer - (Freedom from Abuse)
Elle Sinclair Music
"My Deliverer" is a happy song celebrating God's deliverance 😊✨🎶 This song is the 5th song in my new album "Reborn", so check out the rest of the album for more songs to encourage your heart! **No triggering imagery** Subscribe to Elle Sinclair on YouTube: 💗 Connect with me here: Stream "Reborn" album: Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon Music: --------------------------------------- If you are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. For help, contact the Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or visit --------------------------------------- LYRICS Broken and confused I called out to you Jesus, Jesus Please help me I don’t know what to do You heard my cry, and filled me With your wisdom, strength and peace Then step by step You set me free, you set me free My Deliverer You carried me from darkness into light Step by step, you held me close And breathed me back to life You carried me, you carried me You washed my fear away You made me strong and brave Jesus, Jesus, my Savior Oh, you saved the day Out of bondage, to freedom You’re resurrecting me You’ve made me new You set me free, you set me free Now I’m free From the cage that bound me I am free to spread my wings Hallelujah, hallelujah Praise the One who saves --------------------------------------- #originalsong #healingmusic #abusemusichope #christianmusic
Light Shine - A Song for When I Feel Triggered (Healing from Abuse)
Elle Sinclair Music
This song of light and hope could also be called "A Song for When I Feel Triggered." 🌿☀️ ** No triggering imagery ** Anyone who's experienced abuse knows that the healing journey can feel great one minute, and like you've made so much progress, and then the next minute something triggers you and it feels like you're broken again. I wrote this song during a time when I was really struggling with feeling triggered pretty often, and needed to remind myself of just how far I had come. And that I really was healing! Even now as I am pretty far along in my healing journey, there are still times when I get triggered and feel broken and discouraged, and I find myself singing this song to myself, both as an encouragement and also sometimes as a prayer, too. I hope this song helps you as well! This song is the 6th song in my new album "Reborn", so check out the rest of the album for more songs to encourage your heart! Love, Elle 💕 Subscribe to Elle Sinclair on YouTube: 💗 Connect with me here: Stream "Reborn" album: Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon Music: --------------------------------------- If you are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. For help, contact the Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or visit --------------------------------------- LYRICS I’m free But some days I don’t feel so free I’m healing But some days the broken is all I can see When the memories arise And take my breath away Lord, revive me with your love Light, shine Illuminate my soul Til every corner of my mind Is cleansed from the darkness left behind Oh bright light of day Wash it all away Oh bright light of day Wash it all away I look back and I can see The pain left far behind I see that I’ve come so far & the freedom that I’ve already got So when the memories arise I know that I’m alright Cause I’ve got a new life, & it’s good Oh, I long to be completely healed I long to be completely free Jesus, please complete this good work You’ve begun in me Lord, please keep healing me Jesus, keep on freeing me Restore every part of me til I’m completely new --------------------------------------- #originalsong #healingmusic #abusemusichope #christianmusic
Reborn - (Celebrating New Life After Abuse)
Elle Sinclair Music
"Reborn" celebrates new life and healing after abuse 🌸✨🎶 This song is the 7th song in my new album "Reborn" that follows the journey of freedom and healing from abuse. Check out the rest of the album for more songs to encourage your heart! ** No triggering imagery ** Subscribe to Elle Sinclair on YouTube: 💗 Connect with me here: Stream "Reborn" album: Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon Music: --------------------------------------- If you are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. For help, contact the Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or visit --------------------------------------- LYRICS Eyes bright and clear and confident Reflect deep peace and joy within No longer bound by fear and doubt I’ve been transformed Thank you, oh my Healer I’m amazed at what you’ve done Broken healed to thriving By your power I’m reborn Each damaged piece of life and mind You gathered and you realigned You breathed & I could breathe again I’ve been transformed No longer numb, I’ve learned to love And dream and hope and laugh again A life rebuilt, a miracle I’ve been transformed I once feared I’d be damaged forever But your love made another way For deep wounds there is deep healing By your power to heal and save Now I’ll sing and tell of your goodness I’ll proclaim it for all my days Oh, I want the whole world to know Of your power to heal and save --------------------------------------- #originalsong #healingmusic #abusemusichope #christianmusic
Jesus - (Thankfulness for a New Beginning)



Songs of encouragement & hope!

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Also Check Out My First Album!


A  journey of clarity

and freedom from abuse

Songs to empower women in abusive relationships!

Understanding the patterns that define abuse.

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"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

Psalm 34:18

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